Kyoei Tanker is committed to protecting the company’s employees, properties, information, reputation and customer’s assets from potential threats in the course of conducting our business. We will achieve this by; -
The Company established a Ship Security Management System containing a Ship Security Assessment and Ship Security Plan to meet the requirement of ISPS Code (International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities). We applied to all management ships and obtained the ISSC (International Ship Security Certificate) in March 2004. CSO (Company Security Officer) and SSO (Ship Security Officer) apply in accordance with approved SSP (Ship Security Plan) to take preventive measures against security incidents and implement them onboard and ashore.
Piracy and armed robbery at sea is an organized and persistent criminal activity prevalent in many parts of the world.
It is essential that the precautionary measures to reduce the risk of piracy and armed robbery as well as ship protection measures are in place to protect seafarers, the ship and cargo.
Kyoei Tanker is trying to continuously enhance both the precautionary measures and the ship protection measures of the company's fleet through the sharing information between ship and shore and conducting the Risk Assessment.
Despite application of the Safety Security Plan and Emergency Response/Response to Contingency Plan, if a marine casualty occurs, we have sufficient structures in place to minimize damages to human life, environment, and property.
We conduct emergency response drills for accidents together with our charterers, seamen, and shore-side staff, and continually review the functions of all our safety systems. Furthermore, we have our seamen perform regular drills, and provide them with education and training on how to respond and act in case of an emergency.
At the same time we promote efficient operation of safe operation by utilizing IT, we also recognize that cyber security is a critical management issue. Kyoei Tanker developed and implements a ship specific Cyber Security Management Plan which incorporate the industry guidelines and best practices.
In response to the additional requirement of cyber security measures items in the first DOC examination after January 2021 and the recommendation to implement cyber risk management through the security management system (SMS) based on the ISM code, Kyoei Tanker have constructed the cyber security management system (CSMS) and continued working for the construction and updating of technical measures and organizational structure for cyber security.
Considering of the increased risk of cyber attacks due to the increase in the capacity of ship-land communication,Kyoei Tanker have introduced the PC Matic which is robust Endpoint security software to ships for the first time in the world (as of February 2021). PC matic have been nominated as a partner of the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) , National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and are taking technical measures against unknown viruses and cyber risks.
In addition, as a ship cyber security expert, Kairiki Co., Ltd. is nominated as an IT consultant, and we have a system in place to comprehensively respond to incidents such as network separation, device management to USB ports, and recovery from backup.
Kyoei Tanker also provide regular education such as attending cyber security seminars with the aim of raising awareness of cyber security threats and operating a cyber security system in addition to the basic cyber security education.