We offer a broad range of education and training to train and secure qualified, top-class personnel.
Kyoei Tanker have been conducting the in-house seminar in Tokyo and Manila for decades, in accordance with the training and education needs. In recent years, the seminar is being focused more on a dialogue between the shore based staff and participating seafarers, such as sharing and discussing together on the recent troubles, best practices and future challenges. These continuous activities are being appeared as a reduction in accidents and troubles arising from human errors.
The industry leading companies are focusing on resilience for the crew onboard. Resilience in shipping industry is an ability to perform tasks even in situations of extreme stress or danger. Kyoei Tanker also strives to build resilient crew through shore training and onboard activities.
As an onboard activities, we focus on case study.
Through discussions of causes and preventive measures on board, we are striving to develop resilience by not only dealing with troubles but also improving individual thinking ability and spontaneity through actual cases of troubles and accidents.
Kyoei Tanker dispatch Superintendent and marine superintendent when calling at managed vessels to carry out self inspections, share information on the latest troubles, and revise laws and regulations, and provide education. The eyes from the outside are important to grasp the objective condition of the ship, and the ship is fed back with continuous condition confirmation by Superintendent in charge and comprehensive condition confirmation of Fleet by the marine superintendent who goes around each vessel. By doing so, it is possible to visualize more improvements.
In-house, we collect trouble reports and items pointed out by inspection of each ship, analyze trends, and then provide feedback to each ship.
In addition, we carry out a Concentrate Inspection Campaign every year to intensively check items that tend to be unsafe when the maritime supervisor visits the ship.
Kyoei Tanker are actively promoting near miss reports to each vessel.
Near misses submitted by each ship are aggregated by the company, trends are analyzed, and invisible potential risks are exposed and fed back to each ship.
Each ship that receives feedback holds a safety and health meeting to share it with all seafarers and thoroughly educate them to prevent accidents.
With the cooperation of BARKO INTERNATIONAL as manning company at Manila.KYOEITANKER conducts various training at in-house training center. Our contracted training manager works on the crew training and stable security of the crew.
3rd and 4th Floor Barko Building, 1014P. Ocampo Sr. (formerly Vito Cruz) Corner Arellano Streets, Malate 1004, Manila, Philippines.