In order to implement our vision statement, we have set the following items as high-level goals (Long-term goals) and strive to achieve them.
We have established Safety Management System (SMS), Security Plan (SP), and Quality and Environmental Management System (QEMS) to achieve HSSEQ Excellence – H(Health), S(Safety), S(Security), E(Environment), Q(Quality).
These manuals define the duties, responsibilities, authorities and interrelationships of each shore and shipboard organization, and identity the duties and working procedures for:
We promote a fulfilling work environment so that the physical and mental health of office employees and seafarers (including seafarers dispatched by manning company) can be maintained. We prohibit the possession, use, or buy and sale of drugs other than those of a doctor's prescription or the medical supplies permitted. Also, even though the drugs may be recognized by law, their wrongful use is forbidden. With regard to drinking, each department shall set guidelines and manage them as necessary.
We have established specific health rules and procedures within Safety Management System (SMS) to protect the health of our all employees.
We comply with effective SOLAS, and MARPOL 73/78, and with the effective International Regulations for Preventing Collisions as Sea and other related conventions or mandatory regulations, and strives to ensure the safety of life at seas and the safe operations of ships. By striving to fulfill our social responsibilities as marine carrier.
We have established specific rules and procedures regarding safety in the Safety Management System (SMS) and ensures safety based on it.
We provide a secure working environment, by establishing and maintaining the required security measures to prevent unlawful acts, which endanger the safety and security of persons and property on our ships and company.
We have established specific rules and procedures regarding security in the Security Plan and maintain security based on this.
Our policy is to promote the protection of the global environment, especially the marine environment protection activities, in the work in shore an office and to maritime administration for ships managed by the company.
We have established specific rules and procedures regarding environment in the Quality and Environmental Management System (QEMS) and Safety Management System (SMS), and implement environment conservation based on them.
We aim to improve customers and stakeholders satisfaction and to provide highly reliable service for "safe carriage of cargoes through the safe operation of ships".
We have established specific rules and procedures regarding quality in the Quality and Environmental Management System (QEMS) and implement quality management based on it.
1st July 2022
Kyoei Tanker Co., Ltd.
President Koji Kondo